Ghana Blue Pages ready in January
The Task Force on Knowledge Management in Ghana is working very hard to make the first edition of the Ghana Blue Pages a reality.
As part of the activities of the Knowledge Management Task Force for the water and sanitation sector in Ghana, TREND Group is planning to produce the first edition of the Ghana Blue Pages. The Ghana Blue Pages will consist of content and contact information of organizations and institutions active in the Ghanaian water and sanitation sector. Based on information available on-line, TREND has compiled the first draft of the blue pages.
WaterAid Ghana has generously offered to support the publication of the Ghana Blue Pages in hard copy format. All contributing organisations will receive one hard copy of the Ghana Blue Pages. Extra copies can be provided on request against production costs.
The finalised Blue Pages will be online as from January 2006. The first quarter of 2006 will also see the first Hard Copy version of the Blue Pages.
E-mails have been sent out to all organisations which are currently featuring in the draft Blue Pages, with the request to review the available data and send corrections, comments and suggestions before 30 November 2005.
We would like to encourage all stakeholders in the water and sanitation sector partner to submit content and contact information on their organization before the above mentioned deadline. If your organisation did not receive this e-mail, please inform us ( or tel. 051-28294/5).