6th NLLAP (The Data Puzzle in Ghana’s WASH sector: causes and way forward)
The sixth National Level Learning Alliance platform (NLLAP) took place on Thursday 29th April 2010 on the theme, “ The Data Puzzle in Ghana’s WASH Sector: Causes and way forward ”.
The sixth National Level Learning Alliance Platform (NLLAP) took place on Thursday 29th April 2010 on the theme, “The data puzzle in the WASH Sector in Ghana: Causes and Way forward”. The platform hosted the Water and Sanitation Monitoring Platform (WSMP), which aimed to create awareness of, and understanding for, various data sets used in the sector in Ghana. Why there are data disparities between different data sets and how they can and should be used.
Participants were told not to get confused over differences in WASH data as those differences are bound to exist. What is necessary is rather for the sector to fill the various data gaps identified within each data set – and between different data sets.
Below, the presentations and the communique of this event can be found.
communique of the 6th NLLAP (Data puzzle)
The data puzzle in Ghana’s WASH sector
CWSA Definition and Computation of Access to drinking Water and Sanitation
Statistical Service: Data Puzzle in Ghana’s Water & Sanitation Sector