NLLAP 104 (Emergency WASH Interventions During the Floods from Kpong and Akosombo Dam Spillage)

The Ministry of Sanitation and Water Resources (MSWR) in collaboration with Resource Centre Network (RCN) is set to host the 105th NLLAP event on October 31st, 2024, at the Coconut Grove Hotel. The session aims to share the project’s experiences, innovations, and best practices with key WASH sector stakeholders.
The Ministry of Sanitation and Water Resources, in line with its institutional mandate to promote and protect the health of all people living through the provision of safe and adequate water and Sanitation for all people living in Ghana, plans to share the lessons learned during this disaster and develop a roadmap for future actions.
With support from many stakeholders in responding to the disaster, the Environmental Health and Sanitation staff played a crucial role in responding to and managing the WASH situation in the affected areas. The Volta Regional Environmental Health Office will provide an update, on challenges, response, and recovery efforts and share the lessons learned in managing this significant disaster from both the WASH and public health perspectives.
Flooding, one of the climate change impacts, is among the top ten hazards and natural catastrophes that affect Ghana, ranking second only to bacterial and viral infections, affecting nearly three million people and generating enormous economic costs yearly. Recognizing the direct and indirect impacts of flood, the country has seen an increase in flood events throughout the years, with the worst floods in the recent two decades hitting several regions of the country, from 2007 to 2020.
With the flood event recorded in October 2023, over 26,000 people living in communities across the Eastern, Greater Accra, and Volta regions close to the Volta River (According to NADMO) were severely affected. Affected districts included parts of Asuogyaman, Shai Osudoku, North Tongu, South Tongu, Central Tongu, Anlo, Ada East, and Keta Districts. The floods which were as a result of spillage of excess water from the Akosombo and Kpong Hydro-electric Dams by the Volta River Authority have had debilitating effects on livelihoods, farms, schools, hospitality industries as well as households, and community Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) interventions.
The provision of Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) is a critical human right as they aid in the prevention of morbidity and mortality across the globe. In this vein, it is critical to strengthen Ghana’s WASH Sector preparedness and technical capacity to respond effectively to humanitarian emergencies by ensuring clearly designated leadership and accountability in the main areas of humanitarian response as well as enhanced partnership among WASH in Emergencies humanitarian organizations for synergy.
Ghana’s coordination efforts on emergencies have played a significant role in the reduction of casualties and other public health impacts that these situations present when not handled appropriately. It is worth noting that though water bodies were severely contaminated during the floods, the country did not record any cholera cases. Furthermore, several stakeholder efforts have contributed to the strides made in this regard.