Resource Capacity of MMDAs for Sustainable Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Services Delivery in Ghana

On May 30, 2024, the Resource Centre Network (RCN), in partnership with World Vision Ghana (WVG), convened the 101st National Learning Alliance Platform (NLLAP) session at the Coconut Grove Regency Hotel in Accra. The event centered on bolstering the capacity of Metropolitan, Municipal, and District Assemblies (MMDAs) to deliver sustainable WASH services. Using the Fanteakwa North District as a case study, participants explored strategies to enhance MMDAs’ resource capabilities. The gathering brought together a diverse group of stakeholders, including representatives from government agencies, NGOs, development partners, and the media.

Professor Simon Mariwah from the University of Cape Coast presented the key findings of the research commissioned by WV Ghana. The study highlighted several critical aspects of WASH service delivery in the Fanteakwa North District. It revealed that while 50-60% of households had access to water services, significant disparities existed, particularly in rural areas. Access to sanitation was limited, with only about 40% of households having basic sanitation. Schools and healthcare facilities showed varying levels of WASH service availability, with many facing challenges in maintenance and community usage. Public spaces, however, were noted for their inadequate WASH facilities.
The research also revealed low prioritization and investment in WASH services within the district. Despite allocating 20% of the budget to WASH in 2021 and 2022, only 20-30% of these funds were disbursed. Logistical challenges, such as a lack of vehicles and equipment for field operations, further worsen the issues. The scarcity of technological resources hindered effective data collection and management. Although the district had sufficient personnel for WASH service delivery, most staff members lacked the necessary training and expertise, affecting the quality of services provided.

Participants emphasized the critical need for continuous staff development and capacity building to strengthen the WASH sector. They also highlighted the importance of securing sustainable funding for WASH services through strategic resource mobilization, including public-private partnerships. Strengthening the institutional framework, particularly for departments like Environmental Health and Sanitation, was identified as crucial for effective service delivery. The meeting concluded with a shared commitment to prioritize WASH, increase investments, and foster collaboration to ensure safe and sustainable water and sanitation services for all Ghanaians.