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TPP to launch Local Level Learning Alliance Platform (LLLAP)

Mr. Eugene Larbi, the TPP project team leader has revealed that the local level learning alliance platforms will be established soon in the three pilot areas.

Mr. Eugene Larbi, the TPP project team leader has revealed that the local level learning alliance platforms will be established soon in the three pilot areas. Speaking after the AWF/TPP pilot launch in Accra, Mr Larbi stated that the launch of the LLLAPs will start soon after the respective pilot launches, which is currently on course. He added that the project team will confer with the 3 pilot projects in determining suitable dates, frequency and the wider district target group. According to Mr. Larbi experiences of TPPs LAs and working groups at the national level have so far been very positive and their activities have clearly helped facilitate project intervention. LA members have been proactively involved in project decisions and are making useful inputs into research aspects of the projects. Ultimately the LA members at the national level are expected to play a key role in ensuring dissemination and scaling up of key project materials, toolkits and knowledge products. He contends that LAs activities within each district will be carefully facilitated and the deliberations and change processes will be carefully documented and analysed to capture innovations that emanate.

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